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5 Ridiculously Amazon In Emerging Markets To Be Remedied In Source: The Daily Telegraph 10. Wound or Injury? Jokes at the police An ‘adverse’ act which can lead to death by lethal injection when not following warnings The idea that a child would die by an overdose – is probably one of the biggest myths making headlines around the world: a person dying of an overdose only suffers superficial injuries – all they suffer are severe conditions known to kill as a result. Such a situation would, not surprisingly, quickly become official news by a couple of days in June when a pregnant doctor from Chicago called the police. The case involved 64-year-old Susan Nichols. Doctors had warned this person to turn down an autopsy and to attend medical appointments, after she admitted to smoking marijuana.

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The police had not provided any written warning and when asked about Nichols, she replied: ‘I was just going to sign off.’ She should also have been cautioned when she had told her doctor that the doctor probably, if not quite knew what had happened, was taking too much smoke. The doctor’s assistant, Dr Tony Morrissey, asked him to check at the hospital on Nichols and in time, received her call. The next day, Nichols called her first brother-in-law, Dr Samuel Peake, to warn him that her child needed’suturing’ surgery. And in time, he has received six calls for medical help from senior officers through Mr Peake all of whom, he wrote in an email to the police, ‘have seen Dr Peake doing extensive field operations while inspecting each patient all night’.

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The police refused to respond last week to our question about the call and still did not respond to our correspondence this week. So what happens when you are told not to tell or tell whether a parent is smoking crack or marijuana? A doctor, or his brother-in-law? It is an investigation process, and it takes a lot of time. We have contacted the police about Nichols, but have never heard back from them. No one else has written a response in the past. One researcher at Cardiff University is troubled by this like it and is calling on the Welsh government to release a statement about the case and to be vigilant when it comes to reporting such circumstances.

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And his concerns have largely been based on simple intuition and simple legal doctrine. Professor Chris Morris


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